Posts by tag: cnn

Is CNN or Fox News more neutral?
Is CNN or Fox News more neutral?

Cassius Newsome, Jul, 29 2023

Well folks, grab your popcorn because we're delving into the wild world of news network neutrality today! The question of the day: is CNN or Fox News more neutral? Let's be honest, it's a bit like asking if Superman or Batman has more parental issues. We all know both networks have their own leanings and biases, just like our favorite superheroes. So, in the end, neither CNN nor Fox News can claim the neutrality crown, unless we're handing out crowns for being neutrally biased!

Why is FOX News banned in the U.K. and CNN isn't?
Why is FOX News banned in the U.K. and CNN isn't?

Cassius Newsome, Jul, 28 2023

Well, folks, here's a curly one for you - why is Fox News on the naughty step in the UK, but CNN's having a jolly old time? It's a head-scratcher, right? So, here's the deal. Fox News got a boot out of the UK due to not playing ball with the broadcasting standards over there - a little too much 'spice' in their reporting, if you catch my drift. Meanwhile, CNN is prancing around like a goodie two shoes, keeping their nose clean and playing by the rules. Can't quite tell if it's teacher's pet or just a good student!
