#ValleyWeDesign Part Duex!

Tuesday night, a group of people interested in the future of the Valley Arts District came together once again to further discuss some ideas, concerns, and possibilities. It was such an interesting group of people coming from different parts of Orange, NJ and different perspectives. Residents, staff of organizations like HANDS, Inc. and ValleyArts, Inc who have a stake in the growth of the neighborhood, Valley socialites like myself and Molly, Mindy Fullilove, Laura Sacks, a school nurse, even a child. There were many of the same concerns, and ideas such as more outdoor public spaces, especially for events, public art to invite people into the neighborhood, and increasing a feeling of safety. We have come up with a lot of good ideas, and it seems that things are moving fast.

Here are some of the ideas we discussed:

  • Identifying the Valley’s style and identity. Elements unique to the district.
  • Highland Station, more pedestrian friendly, more accesible)
  • Entrance murals
  • safety  and lighting
  • More sustainable businesses
  • relationships to the city

I highly suggest than anyone who wants to live in the Valley, or want to be a part of a change, get involved. I find that I am very fortunate to even be asked what I want for this neighborhood. It makes me feel good when I think that I had a part to play in this, even if it is small. My input made a difference. My voice was heard.

Follow the @valleywedesign on instagram and stay tuned for more!

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