Masconsumption Revamp Planning Meeting tomorrow night at Ironworks!

Bringing together a core group of creatives who have expressed interest or has been a supporter/participant of Masconsumption since it’s release in 2012.

Now, three and half years later a lot has changed. The aim for Masconsumption has always always been to showcase the artist/community and the social scene of New Jersey’s Valley Arts District.

The Valley Arts District is changing, developing and growing! We began the neighborhood’s 10th anniversary year, the opening of new housing, a creative co-op and more. This means more artists, and bigger network.

In response to this I have been planning a revamp of Masconsumption. Now there will be a separate entity focusing more on events, artist promotions and programming targeting the 21-40 years old set that exist in the Valley Arts District community. Myself and Brittany have started MAS Events.

I have been hearing many ideas for interesting and unique events, etc. I’d like to convene a relaxed brainstorming session with those who’d like to get involved.

I’d love to put together those who would like to be involved, in a variety of ways. I would like to build a team of dynamic individuals who bring something different to the table, continuing to establish the Masconsumption brand, movement, and social scene.

I’d love to convene Tuesday, June 30th 6-8pm at Ironworks (ORNG Ink Studio). They’ll be beer, pizza, snacks and more.

Please let me know if this something that interest

One response to “Masconsumption Revamp Planning Meeting tomorrow night at Ironworks!

  1. Hi Patricia

    I would love to come tomorrow but I have another meeting I need to attend. I would love to get input about what to do with the Valley Arts artist registry…. since I set it up I haven’t had much time to build on it, but I think it’s something that’s really needed. Maybe you can bring that up as a topic of discussion tomorrow night? I am pretty open about who manages it, what the content is, etc. I would love for it to have a blog or at least monthly news article – but I definitely need ideas about how it would be most useful. It’s a wix site, really easy to manage, with lots of options for uploading different media, etc. I am hosting it right now and picking up the tab, I don’t mind continuing to do that. But would be great to have some other contributors or people help me with updates. AND IDEAS!!!!

    And let me know if there’s anything you need from me!!! xoxo Gayle


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