ORNG Ink hosts Draw Your Mind! Speak it Out! Monday nights at 7pm in May


This Monday night, and every Monday night in May, ORNG ink is opening up it’s walls so that our young community members can voice their anger, frustration and solutions in the face of violence, brutality and racism. Come and participate. Help us find solutions. Help us make changes starting now!

What happens next? How do we move forward? This world needs to change, starting today. You have the answers, come and share them.

If you can come Monday, show up and paint, write or draw on the walls and talk to you neighbors who attend.


If you are local, but can’t come on Monday night, we will add an outdoor space for you to use whenever you want. OR you can deliver artwork ahead of time to be hung.

If you are not local, send us your work and we will project it, post it and add it to the conversation.

See you tonight!

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