Woo! What a long weekend. I love that attending hip hop showcases to interview musicians, and going to art exhibits that feature my partner’s styling finesse is considered work. That to me, is just unbelievable. I had so much fun, hanging with my twin sister, LeTrice Deshon and the rest of the DomZ of Domineer Media Group, plus the rest of my Bronx team the ACG Freelancerz Lusive, Marley and Eris Dublin. It was such a pleasure seeing them perform together in our hometown. While I was hanging out in the Bronx discovering new music, and talent, Kat Dolly Black was in Brooklyn at the Art Meets Fashion Art exhibit! She styled some of the photos and got to meet Kisha Batista, and other people in the industry. It’s been pretty awesome.
Stay tuned for more! Here some pictures: