I just want to take a moment and reflect on everything right now. This is a huge time for me as a person and in my career. I am beyond elated right now.
I AM A PAID WRITER. I am getting paid for my writing, my brand, my passion and joy. This is all thanks to God. He’s truly carried me a long this path. I am incredibly thankful for the ups and the downs that is what it is all about. Without the trials god helped me go through, I definitely would not be in the place I am now.

Laura Campbell, Robyn Modest, PR & Mark Tauriello
God blessed me with many gifts and talents. Ambition being one of them. I am a blogger for the Valley Arts District. I remember the moment, during a HANDS walking tour telling my older sister that I one day wanted to move here, and make a name for myself. I had no idea what that would at the time. And almost five years later here I am. Making a living a writer.
Time flies by, and so much he happened in that amount of time. Many changes within the community. People aren’t necessarily looking out for you, you have to look out for yourself.

PR- Editor in Chief holding the Winter 2013 issue
I made that resolution and it truly has paid off. I have made many steps just in the last like two or three months that really have made a difference meeting with Gregory Burrus and Patrick Hilaire. Giving the tour of the valley for Linc32 and Linc52 marketing team. Reaching out to Jersey Indie and just throwing myself in, in a way I never have before.

portrait of a lady creative team
This is the moment. This is literally a dream come true. Ever since watching sex and the city and wanting Carrie Bradshaw’s life. I am living it, well on the course to it. Wow, talk about the best birthday present ever. Wow, God is good.
There were seriously times I though this would never happen. To be paid for my work, my voice? This is unreal. All of my hard work is really paying off and it is so crazy to believe. My grind has paid off.
Photograph by Le’Trice Deshon
I have made numerous sacrifices over the year and work really hard. I basically have no social life. But to think, it paid off! My journey with Jersey Indie began last year. I was in the Bronx, still blogging from the library.
I want to also be clear that there are so many more things I want to do. I want to publish a novel series, do a television series, and more. Dont want to spill it all.
Thank you God. For Le Moyne. Failed internships. VISTA. Valley Arts District. Ray. Love. Life. Family. Moving. All of the above!
*This is part one to a Note from the Editor series*