
Lusive releases his new single” Rally” [produced by: FulleeLoaded Productions] Lusive raps about cops treating his people equally and just having a peaceful protest #RallyDontRiot in a city you are in. Lusive wants his music to reach the world, bringing the youth and old together to help promote equal rights and positivity. Police brutality has been a problem throughout many years and it is now getting worse in 2014. Lusive states “As, African American man we have unequal access to opportunities, college students are experiencing hiked college tuition rates, neighborhood gentrification displacing the middle class and then the poor somehow will never learn their rights. Lusive wants to help change through music and to support President Obama’s announcement in response to Ferguson and cops killing unarmed black men, the White House would call for $75 million to make 50,000 body cameras available to police departments across the country.

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