Studio B presents, “The Speakeasy with Brother Valiant, Ethan Lipton & His Orchestra, The Minsky Sisters, and Grand Illusionist Asi Wind & Mark Gindick

speakeasy “What’s the password, dollface? Why it’s MEOW of course.

Studio B is taking VAUDEVILLE underground … you’ll spend the evening hob nobbing with musicians, magicians, and other delightful hooligans. You’ll simply purr with delight.


Ethan Lipton & his Orchestra
Hopelessly sexy lounge act with a major in charming.

The Minsky Sisters
Double your pleasure with this gorgeous fan dancin’ duo.

Master of Illusions Asi Wind
Street magic with a touch of Vegas and a smidgeon of the dark side.

Mark Gindick
Straight from the Big Apple Circus. A 21st century Chaplin.

Brother Valiant
Adorable indie rock folk brass sass with a dollop of soul. Now that’s a choice bit of calico.

October 25
Drinks at 8pm, show at 8:30pm SHARP!
The Woodland
60 Woodland Road”

Here is a link to the facebook event:


Read more about the awesome band here.

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