This weekend brought us beautiful weather and fun events! Spring so far has been all about celebration it seems and I think this weekend roundup is the kick off.

Saturday night was Ironworks’ second rendition of the The FREQ Show. A show Dedicated to the Design of Progressive Production, gives the studio a whole new vibe. Steeeve Sam performed with other producers, and people enjoyed the sounds in the loft under a green light. Sangria flowed, and good conversation. And just like any good party, it got shut down by the police for a noise complaint. There was an art installation, in the gallery made with materials found around the studio. Stephen Batiz, Laura Campbell and Daniel Joseph collaborated on the piece and it even played music. Mike Reilly took polaroids, and the tree was great. All in all a memorable night and everyone needs to make it to the next one. 

Last night was the first anniversary party for Marie David’s blog, LadiSav. The celebration took place at Mantra Restaurant in Paramus, NJ. Myself, SYKEZ, Josh, Latisha went out to the event had an amazing time. DJ Shy and DJ OK played all night, and we danced the night away. There were cupcakes, drink specials and more. The mood in the air was joyous, everyone in the room in full support of Marie and her vision for Ladisav. I am so proud that what started as just an idea is now a year old. It is great. We took pictures on the signature pink carpet. We had a lot of fun! http://www.ladisav.com

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