The University of Orange is holding a visioning Saturday February 22nd at Ironworks from 11-12:30pm. We’ll be talking about the future of the UofO. I hope you can come, share your thoughts and talk about how you want to be a part of the free people’s university.
What is the University of Orange?
Our Mission:
The purpose of the University of Orange is to empower the people of Orange by learning from each other and calling each other to action to teach others how to use resources they already have and others they might acquire to make Orange the urban village of the 21st Century, a just and beautiful city.
The University is situated on an historic, yet ever-evolving 2.2 square mile campus, the City of Orange Township. The University of Orange was founded in 2007, growing out of celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the fight for school desegregation in Orange. The University of Orange has a volunteer faculty from Orange and around the world.