Have a Drink for ORNG Ink Part Duex! Saturday May 17th

H Friends,
Please join us on Saturday May 17th to support youth arts in our neighborhood. Have a Drink for ORNG Ink 2 will feature an earth oven pizza and craft beer tasting by Anthony Minervino and the Brew Council, an art show and silent auction by resident artists and friends, a photo booth, greenhouse tours, planting demonstrations and more. Here is the link to preorder tickets:
http://yeastieboys.brownpapertickets.com/  or check out the Facebook event. Please spread the word to people you know who will enjoy such a great afternoon! Anthony’s pizzas are awesome and proceeds will support ORNG Ink’s Inkalicious summer program so youth participants can produce a youth art block party this August!  The event is Saturday May 17th, 4-8pm at Ironworks, 406 Tompkins Street, Orange.

have a drink for orng ink 2

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